The annual Root House Plant Sale offers a diverse range of native Georgia plants to. This year, the Gift Shop will go beyond plants, providing a variety of seeds and gardening books for purchase. Additionally, there will be small batch botanical products available, such as lotions, soaps, bath teas, and bath soaks.

Many of the plants available for purchase during the Plant Sale can also be found flourishing in the Root House gardens.  The gardens at the William Root House have been meticulously reconstructed to reflect gardening practices from the mid-19th century. All the vegetables, herbs, fruit trees, decorative flowers, and blooming shrubs found in the garden were carefully chosen based on their availability in Georgia during the 1860s.

Cobb Landmarks Executive Director Trevor Beemon advises, “All plants are sold first-come, first-served, so I definitely suggest that folks plan to arrive right at 9 am if they want the best selection.” Beemon also shared a tip, saying, “If you’re looking for good deals, we usually mark down whatever’s remaining the last half-hour of the sale,” Beemon said. “There just isn’t much left by then,” he added.

April 26, 2025

9 am to 1 pm

William Root House
80 N Marietta Parkway, NW
Marietta, GA 30060

For more information, please contact Trevor Beemon, Cobb Landmarks Executive Director at (678) 594-4994 or email 


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