The National Memorial Day Association of Georgia is hosting the Marietta Memorial Day Ceremony at the Marietta National Cemetery. The event takes place each Memorial Day at noon, offering a heartfelt tribute to our Veterans who valiantly served and made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation’s freedom. The ceremony promises a moving experience with patriotic melodies, the presentation of colors, prayers, a gun salute, and speeches. Veterans and the general public are invited to join in honoring our nation’s heroes.
The ceremony features the posting of the colors, symbolizing the valor and dedication of our armed forces. As we pause to remember those who have served, solemn prayers unite us in reflection and gratitude. A gun salute punctuates the proceedings, in tribute to those who have fallen in service to our nation.
Throughout the ceremony, speakers share their insights and experiences, reminding us of the resilience and courage exhibited by our Veterans. Their words echo the sentiments of a grateful nation and underscore the importance of preserving the memory of those who have contributed to our country’s legacy of freedom.
This ceremony is open to all Veterans and the general public. It is an opportunity for the community to pay our respect to those who have selflessly served our country.
Monday, May 26, 2025
Marietta National Cemetery
500 Washington Avenue Northeast
Marietta, GA 30060
For more information, please call (404) 510-4668.
About the The National Memorial Day Association of Georgia and The Avenue of Flags, Inc
The National Memorial Day Association of Georgia and The Avenue of Flags, Inc, is a registered nonprofit organization qualified under Section 501 © (3). The organization was founded on March 16, 1946, in Atlanta, Georgia. It is composed of individual Patron Members and of Member Organizations who wish to remember and honor the men and women who have served in the United States of America Armed Forces, the many who have given their lives to protect our freedom, the many who are now deceased, and those currently serving in the Armed Forces.
How does my troop take part in helping set out flags
and done. I come to know you as a good friend and a great dad. You are in a beettr place now I know God willing maybe one day we will be able to met again. I will keep you, Josh and your family in my prayers. For now, you are missed but not forgotten by me and mine.Love Wyndy!
It is really unfortunate that the Patriot Guard Riders are no longer welcome at this event. I led the group two years ago and was told last year that we were not invited back because we “ride motorcycles”! I found this to be very sad as I had attended this ceremony for at least 10 years. Patriot Guard Riders stand for our fallen and veterans 52 weeks a year.
I don’t know anything about shunning motorcycles, but as a grandchild of a serviceman killed in action, I can tell you definitively that it matters not your mode of transportation. Every body in attendance is counted and appreciated more than can be expressed. Don’t let the politicians get in the way of your honoring those who gave their greatest gift for us.
I am so sorry to hear this, I am so thankful for you guys. My Grandfather helped with the Pearl Harbor Survivors monument at this cemetery and I can not imagine that he would ever think of anyone not being allowed to come, as a matter of fact y’all (patriot guard riders) stood outside of the door to the chapel on the day of my grandfathers funeral in Gainesville, 2 years ago. I am so thankful for all the work that y’all do.
Agreed. They made a terrible decision.
I note above the Patriot Guard Riders are not invited back to the Memorial Day ceremony at the cemetery. WHY AND HOW DO YOU DETERMINE THE REASON.??
Many of these gentlemen gave of themselves for the freedoms of this country. But they ride motorcycles -UNREAL REASONING.
Richard the blue haired ladies made the decision for he PGR not to attend. However we were good enough a month or so ago to show honor to a vet in that cemetery when his family requested us. We do this for the family and the vet.
SHAME SHAME SHAME on whoever made the decision not to “invite” the PGR back. I challenge them to find a video showing the “coming home” ceremony for a fallen soldier that does not include those good people respecfully paying tribute and yes, even shielding, the families from those who would chose to use that ceremony for their own selfish agendas. They should not only be invited back, but, are owed a public apology! God, what is next?????
I love the fact that they ride motorcycles which are the ultimate in freedom…
As a Viet Nam vet and a great grandson of Henry Greene Cole who gave the beautiful land for the Marietta National Cemetery, I can’t believe what I just read.
Every year my family and I attend the ceremony and humbly stand along side others who served. Many of those returned with problems I escaped and I count my blessings daily.
I don’t ride but I don’t see how any veterans, singular or group could be asked not to attend with their bikes. I have heard some leave a bit early and rev it up while someone is speaking or music is playing. We can ask them to be mindful of the presentation but not exclude them. They are to be revered because of their mission and the numbers of them who give of their time to go to funerals and support the families.
Thank you Nicolas, for your comment. Also thank you to your family for the land the cemetery is on. I have enjoyed going to this lovely well kept cemetery to place flowers on the grave of my first love, Travis Bertrand Lee, who died in Vietnam. It has meant a lot to me to stand up for him and let his spirit know he has not been forgotten.
Sandy, I was moved when I read your comment. Travis was a close friend of my brother, Bill Lovett. Bill passed away in 2006 and is buried in the Georgia National Cemetery in Canton, as there was no more room in the Marietta National Cemetery. My grandparents are buried in the Marietta National Cemetery, and I visit their grave and also Travis’s grave each time I go there. Did you know that there is a book which you can purchase on Amazon, called “Portrait of an American Hero” about Travis and the story of how his death came about? I will never forget Travis and Bill. I wish you well! Becky Lovett Gronenthal
Sandy love your comments. Ann and I frequently think of you and your being there.
I’d like to protest and not allow anyone driving a Prius.
And remember, this day has nothing to do with living vets, our day is 11/11. This day is for those that gave the ultimate sacrifice fighting!
Greg, war vet.
What board or organization was responsible? Name? As a retired Army LTC who is a Harley Driver I fine this banishment from today’s celebration unacceptable.
” For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the protected never know.”
I saw this phrase on a Viet Nam Memorial below the Centennial Arch at Atlantic Station, Atlanta Georgia.
Shame, shame, shame on the people that decided not invite the PGR patriots back.
John P. Lanier, M.D.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for not inviting the riders back. If they want to walk up the cemetery that would be great – but it’s not about them. And I don’t want to hear their hogs, barking dogs, boom boxes on the shoulder, or any other “look-at-me” distractions. It is a solemn place and should be respected – not a motorcycle party.
There is a reason they weren’t invited back.
Dear what do boom boxes have to do with the riders look like you may have some other issues. Is the problem that there is no one looking at you . That comment was uncalled for as well I’ll pray for you. Your sad . Everyone is entitled not only you.
Mark did you serve?
Did he ever show face and replied? Shame on him
It’s much more than a “motorcycle party”!!! Most if not all, these people served so that you can have your opinion, even if it’s disrespectful and rude!!!
As a Vietnam era Harley Rider I also find it hard to believe and unacceptable to accept that motorcycle riders are not welcome. I’m hoping to attend today and if I do, I’ll ride my bike.
I should say, “that’s not right!”, Veterans should be allowed to arrive by any mode of transit as long as their arrival, if in mass, does not disrupt the dignity of the service !
Lol you all are right… you should be able to arrive by the most obnoxiously loud vehicle, not created to bring attention to a cause, or to individuals, but to the machinery and money you spent buying it (creating it… er whatever) and YOURSELF. You should absolutely be able to drive what ever you want to pull attention away from the fallen people the event is intended to be held for and put it on yourself. You all are SOOO RIGHT! LOL. You are ridiculous… all of you. Just ride a bike that is respectful of the ears around you… or ride something else. If you don’t respect those people you are going to memorialize enough for that one day… to take the attention off you and your bike then shame on you.
Why not just attend without your motorcycles? If this is about “standing” for our fallen then you shouldn’t have a problem not being able to ride for our fallen.
This sounds like a principle argument for letting motorcycles ride at this point and nothing close to just representing our troops. Why does it have to be an argument when some people just want to reflect in peace, not the rumbling of very loud motorcycles?
I am incensed and deeply saddened that those in charge of this event fail to understand that the Patriot Guard Riders represent, ON THEIR BIKES, the beloved liberty that they fought for and could/would have given all for! This group is not about each other but about the patriotic brotherhood they represent as ONE defending our precious U. S. Constitution.
Indians, Harleys and Victory bikes all represent American liberty, having been manufactured in the United States and considered an ICON of this great nation and its remarkable, unique history in the world. I love the way they ride in silence and in formation with the American flag proudly displayed on each rider and/or on each iron horse (cavalry). There is a much deeper meaning to the PGR than the rumble of their engines, although that rumble represents the storm of war and how it must never be forgotten. God bless America!
I feel hurt as well that the PGR is banned. Why would they do such a thing when these patriots on motorcycles protect families from the ugliness on the left at times of grieving. This is unacceptable!!
I was planning to attend, but when I saw that the Patriot Guard Riders are banned, I will not take part. Certainly the City of Marietta could work out a solution without resorting to an outright ban.
For those of you who vote, please consider this at the polls!
As a member of the association during this time, I was honored to coordinate their participation. The situation was inflamed when other groups became irritated because the PGR was allowed to ‘ arrive and park on site’ during the event. The PFR were greatly appreciated in their attendance however the squabble was detracting from the purpose. My contact with PGR ride commander ‘Soretoe’ was above board and gracious in the troubling situation.
All parties agreed the day belonged to those fallen in service.
As a member of the association during this time, there were other groups who demanded inclusion with the PGR detachment. The squabble caused a rift. It was decided to preserve the support of the day, Honor those fallen in the service of our country, which drive the decision to keep the event as it was.
The PGR commander’ Soretoe’ was consulted and agreed, Honor is the goal.
I can not believe this. These. Men and their Bikes represent what Memorial Day is about. To Hear the
The Patriot Guard Riders should be at the Memorial Day event Monday as they honor our veterans.