Creepers Car Show

The Annual Creeper’s Car Show takes place at Jim Miller Park in Marietta from 9 am to 3 pm on Saturday, June 14, 2025.

The event features cars, music, food, a swap meet, crafts, and more. The show is open to all years of cars, trucks, and motorcycles and all proceeds from the event benefit local and national charities that work with children.

Marietta Car Show

Swap meet space is available for $20 and vendor space is $35-$50.

Car show at Jim Miller Park

To enter your car, a donation is requested

Spectators: $5.00
Children under 12: Free

Jim Miller Park
2245 Callaway Road
Marietta, GA 30008

Proceeds from the event will go to the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals/CHOA and Georgia Special Olympics-Cobb County.

For more information, please visit

About The Creeper’s Car Club
The Creeper’s Car Club was established and incorporated in August of 1960 in Smyrna, Georgia. The five Charter Members, led by Scott Jackson, were a group of men who shared similar interests in show cars, drag racing and street rods. They came together with a dream of making a difference in their community. In the early sixties, the Creepers became deeply involved in car shows. They began by co-sponsored the Atlanta Car Show at Lakewood Fairgrounds and then in 1963 they sponsored the same show at the Atlanta Merchandise Mart. During the next ten years, Creeper’s Car Show was held at the North Georgia Fair Grounds.  Over the last twenty years, the club has donated over $355,000 dollars to a number of charities including the Calvary Children’s Home, Cobb County Association for Retarded Children, Scottish Rite Children’s Hospital, The American Cancer Society and Rhubarb Jones Leukemia March Across Georgia. Forty nine years later, two of the original five Charter members and numerous club members are actively involved in giving back to the community.


  1. Are the times for the show, 9:00 to 12:30 correct? In the flyer it says registration is from 9:00 tp 12:30 but does not mention the actual event times


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