Home Calendar 2024 Yaarab Shrine Circus

2024 Yaarab Shrine Circus

The circus is coming to town, and it happens to be the biggest Shrine Circus in North America. For generations, the Yaarab Shrine Circus in Marietta has been a beloved annual event that combines thrilling performances, heartwarming moments, and a commitment to a greater cause.

A Tradition of Entertainment

Captivating Acts

The Yaarab Shrine Circus never fails to dazzle its audience with an array of breathtaking performances. From awe-inspiring acrobatics and high-flying trapeze acts to the whimsical antics of clowns, there’s something for everyone under the big top. The circus features world-class performers who have honed their craft to perfection, leaving spectators of all ages on the edge of their seats.

Don’t miss the opportunity to see all-new top circus acts from around the world with clowns, bears, elephants, horses, motorcycles, acrobats, and daredevil acts. Plus, enjoy a giant Carnival midway featuring rides and attractions.

Family-Friendly Fun

Perfect for All Ages

The Yaarab Shrine Circus is designed with families in mind. It’s a place where grandparents, parents, and children can come together to create lasting memories. The circus offers a wholesome and entertaining experience that transcends generations, making it a beloved tradition for many families.

Yaarab Shrine Big Top CircusOf course, you can expect lots of good food, like pizza, funnel cakes, ice cream, corndogs, cotton candy, candy apples, fluffy fries, hamburgers, hotdogs, cheese steaks, elephant ears, Polish sausage, Italian sausage, barbeque, home fries, fried Oreos, roasted corn, snow cones, apple dumplings and more.

Supporting a Worthy Cause

What sets the Yaarab Shrine Circus apart is its philanthropic mission. The circus is organized by the Yaarab Shriners, a fraternal organization dedicated to supporting Shriners Hospitals for Children. Proceeds from the circus go directly to these hospitals, which provide life-changing medical care to children in need, regardless of their ability to pay. Attending the circus not only provides entertainment but also contributes to a cause that makes a real difference in the lives of children and families.

May 18-27, 2024

Midway opens:

  • Weekdays at 5pm
  • Saturday at 10am
  • SundayNoon
  • Memorial Day at 10am

Circus Times:

  • Weekdays at 7pm
  • Saturday at 11am, 1:30, 4, and 7pm
  • Sunday at 1:30, 4, and 7pm
  • Memorial Day at 11am, 1:30, and 4pm

Adults: $10 including circus show
Children 10 & under are free

Jim R. Miller Park
2245 Callaway Rd SW
Marietta GA 30008

For more information, please call (404) 419-6755 or visit yaarabshrine.net.



  1. I came to the circus last year and brought a group of school kids (for the morning show). It was amazing, and we loved it! We are still talking about all the fun we had! Is it possible to bring a group of kids again this year?

      • A waste of time and money. They charge you for the midway because of low turn out. It was not like that in the past. It’s not worth $10 to get in and walk around. It’s boring that’s why no one is there. Don’t waste your time and money. Go to six flags; you”ll spend the same money.

          • Proceeds from the Shrine circus goes directly to the operational costs of the Shrine temple.

            Shrine hospitals and Shrine fraternities are two different entities. The purpose of the fraternity is to raise some funds for the hospital, with one exception: the circus. The circus is the only Shriner activity where proceeds do not have to go to the hospital but rather to the fraternity itself to pay bills and cover its own expenses.

          • It’s ranked as the second best six flags park in the country. This proves that you have bad taste: https;//www.themanual.com/culture/us-six-flags-parks-ranked/

        • We always have a great time. We don’t do the rides though. It is an enjoyable show. Well worth the price of admission to help sick children.

    • No animal should be used for human entertainment purposes. It is completely unnatural for an 8,000 lb elephant to do these “tricks” and stand on ball or pedestal. Further, this circus has dozens and dozens of citations from the Animal Welfare Act and the US Dept of Agriculture due to their ongoing failures to comply with basic animal care. The naturally wild animals used in these acts are chained for hours a day where in the wild, they would naturally roam up to 50 miles/day. Trainers use bullhooks, whips, and electric prods to dominate the animal. Wild animals do not respond like a cat or dog to positive reinforcement (eg treats). It is widely proven that children that witness these cruel events to animals have emotional distress when they get older. Please do not teach your children that it’s okay to be cruel to animals.

      • Get a life! This is a time honored tradition and the animals are better taken care of than most peoples kids! Plus the money goes to charity!

        • Did you seriously just respond to someone calling out animal cruelty by telling them to “Get a life?”

          Do you think shipping a Bengal tiger around the country, year after year, in a crate on the back of a tractor-trailer is something to take pride in?

          If you leave a 20 pound dog in your car at Walmart in June, you might go to jail. So why would you think it’s okay to abuse a 2000 pound elephant?

          To fund a children’s hospital, the Shriners hire a bunch of carnies to run their traveling band of low-lifes who come into our town, create zero jobs, lie to us and overcharge us.

          To fund a children’s hospital, the Shriners trap some of the most majestic animals on earth, stuff them in a 10×10 crate, completely strip them of their dignity, terrorize them day after day with Tasers, until they die – sometimes 20 or 30 agonizing years later.

          To fund a hospital. Do you not see this as just a little bit hypocritical?

          Man up and create a new tradition that your family might actually be proud to be associated with. Or at the very least, send a strong message to the Shriners to leave the animals out of the circus.

          BTW, I’m most definitely NOT some granola-eating animal rights nut. I’m just a regular family guy who loves his dog enough to do a little research into circuses. What I found shocked me beyond belief.

          • Way to go Dave!!! Can’t believe these remarks from some people that the animals are treated well. How do you think they get a huge elephant to balance itself on a ball!! Open your eyes people it is torture to animals 100 percent!! Look what Ringling did and they finally got rid of animal shows because people were so shocked at the cruel treatment the animals experienced!! Well the Shriners better wake up as people are going to stop giving to them if they support this!! Just send the money in that you pay to see this to hospitals to help children!! You don’t need to see animal perform that aren’t meant to perform in such hideous way!! Teach your children not to support such abuse and send your ticket money into hospitals direct not through them that take most of it to support the circus!!

            • No different than training a dog to do tricks as long as they are not abused. Is training a child to skate or ride a bicycle or play sports “cruelty”?

              • Do your homework. Don’t be naive. Captivity is cruel alone. In addition the training methods used. It’s 2023 please tell me you are not that ignorant. This is old news, which is why this practice has been banned in several places and states now.

          • Dave, thank you for your well informed responses. Some of us feel conflicted and have moral objections to going to the circus but we have a hard time articulating what we feel so strongly into a coherent argument that our bored families will understand. I personally am so tired of being the only one in my family who takes a moment to consider where we spend our money and what effect it might have- it’s nice to know there are others like me. That goes out to all you guys advocating for these poor animals.

        • Slavery, segragation, and women not being allowed to vote, were also once time-honored traditions, Vickie.

          Animal abuse in the name of ‘entertainment’ is not ok, even if it does fund a noble cause. Carry on the circus without the animals.

        • Animal cruelty is very real Vickie. Would you like to be beat and forced to stand on your hind legs or sit down.

        • Not true. The money from the circus goes to shrine management and their balls. The hospitals are a completely separate entity.

        • My friend has a video that shows just how horrble the elephants are treatrd. It’s apalling! Also, check out the fine print on the tickets….the proceeds don’t go directly to the hospital and sick children like they claim. I am personally disgusted with this so called entertainment offered at the expense of animal cruelty.

      • Hug a tree lady, that elephant can’t get a hunters bullet at the circus, I bet you have duct tape shoes and eat bark. Your what’s wrong with America. You probably think that elephant should have a ssn, obamacare, and a pension.. wacko! That ELELPHANT is saving CHILDRENS lives, go save a pine tree

        • To see God’s creatures with a loving empathic heart is what the Shriners should be teaching..cruelty to animals is certainly not part of any religious teachings….get these animals to a refuge where they can heal and try to adjust to freedom…and free your heart in the meantime….seems you got caught up in the hate business…

      • i bet you have a dog or a cat? they are not ment to be amusement to you yet I bet you think that is ok because you are helping them. Animals are animals, As long as the animals are well taken care of there is no issue. Grow up!

      • Don’t be fooled. The proceeds from the circus do not go to the hospitals. They money goes to pay their “temple” bills. You are not helping children by going to this circus.

      • Thank you for bringing awareness to people that don’t think twice about animal cruelty. I refuse to fund any sort of circus or carnival that abuses these beautiful animals.

  2. Where can you buy tickets in advance for the 7.00 adult price? I need 4 adults and I have 2 under 5 that according to this site will get in free. On ticket masters it says kids are 7.00 and adults are 10.00. So what I did on there was to go ahead and select the 4 adult tickets at 10.00 each, figuring the 2 little ones will get in free…My total comes up 4 adult tickets to be 51.00 where they put an 11.00 service charge on the already 3.00 more each ticket price. What is up with that…I can go to the gate and pay 28.00 or go online and pay 51.00? That is crazy! There must be somewhere you can go and pay the 7.00 or even the 10.00 but anymore then that is nuts for a 7.00 ticket.

    • Hi Marilyn,
      We spoke to the event organizers and found that the adult ticket price for 2010 went up to $10. Tickets are available online through TicketWeb.com, and we added a link to that site in the main article. For more information, please call (404) 872-5818.

      • For the past 3 years we’ve gotten in free with coke cans. Is that deal happening again this year? That’s really the only way our family of 7 can afford to see the circus. Then we give each child 1-2 rides.
        Thanks! Keeping my fingers crossed.

  3. Took the granddaughter last year. She loved the circus but couldn’t ride any rides due to height restrictions. Are their restrictions this year as well?

  4. Hi there! I have free tickets (given by my husbands work) to get into the circus. Is the $20 dollars for all you can ride per person? I have 5 kids and that could be very pricey! lol 🙂 Thanks, Carly

    • Hi Carly,

      Yes, $20 for all you can ride was per person, but it looks like that promotion ended today. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday – the last three days of the circus – you simply pay for the rides you want to ride. If you need more info, you can contact the event organizers at (404) 872-5818.

  5. I would like to bring a group of special needs students to the Circus in April. Are there discount prices for school groups?
    Thank you!
    Denice Steed

  6. Are the rides 1 ticket each or are they diff. depending on ride? I am just trying to figure out what pass to purchase.


  7. What are the height restrictions for the rides? I would like to buy an unlimited ride package, but would like to know if my 3 year old will be able to go on any of the rides.


  8. its 10 dollars to get in?! what if i just want to ride the rides and skip the circus show? thats ridiculous. my mom & i used to love to come in and walk around and just see things. but im not payin 10 bucks to do that.

  9. I am one of the Shrine clowns and I may be able to still get some Golden tickets for anyone interested. The tickets are $25.00 and include admission to the park and circus for two people and two wristbands for unlimited rides. Please contact me if interested and I will see if we still have them available. Thanks, RiverBum (Corey Hardin@art.net)

    • I’m sure you know that you are duping the public making them think that by supporting this circus they are donating to the hospitals/kids. NOT TRUE! You all are making this money to pay bills and to pay for your parties. This is a SCAM!

  10. Please double check directions before heading to this event! Windy Hill Road no longer deadends at Austell road.

  11. I have always loved going. Now I have children they love it to. I have even worked on the midway a couple times.

  12. It says on the site you can get discount coupons at all metro Atlanta Walgreens stores…I have now called 6 stores who said they have never had them…what is the deal with that?????

  13. I would just like to know if I.can.still get unlimited rides fore tomorrow the 29th and if they offer anything for active duty military?? No.Walgreen stores seem to know.anything about selling tickets

  14. We’ve never been to this circus. What do you reccomend for us? Are all rides 36” or taller, or do they range of how dangerous they are?

    • Hi Kaci,
      We would recommend arriving an hour or two before the circus show so you can enjoy some food and games. Most, if not all rides have a height/safety requirement, but there are many other things to do and see. The circus seating is general admission so line up early for the best seats. Hope you have fun!

  15. Hi, I have two children ages 4 and 2. We are planning to go to the circus this weekend but I’m not sure we will have the extra cash to go. I know this site says that children 36” and under are free but my fiance and I would need to purchase tickets for ourselves. Is there any way for us to purchase tickets at a discounted price so that my children will have a chance to see the cirucs? Also my son (the 4 yr old) I believe he will be tall enough to ride some rides, is there any way I can purchase tickets for the rides at a discounted price as well? Any information would be very much appreciated!

    Thanks so much 🙂

  16. Hi, I am going to go today and I was wanting to know how long it will be open. Just till 7pm or is that just for the circus show?

  17. hey yall im sportster the clown im the football clown,or racecar driver or baseball clown,whatever i might decide each day!!!i look forward to seeing each and every one of you!!!come up and give me a high five,i might just give you a trading card…lets have alot of fun this year ….look forward to it.

  18. Hello!

    This would be my family’s first time coming to this event. We have 2 yr old and 4 yr old children. Besides the circus, are there any rides or attractions that they can enjoy as well?


  19. Just to let everyone know that the Shriner’s Circus and Fair this year was well worth the trip. Excellent rides, circus, food and people. Thank you to every Shriner out there for making the world a better place to be. God bless each and everyone of you. See you next year!

  20. Hi, I would like to know about the rides.. Are they Scary? I would like to go with my 2yr old daughter, her height is 35″.. Is it safe to go.. Will she be able to enjoy..

  21. Here is how they beat and force baby elephants to learn ‘tricks’. Anyone who thinks that it is entertaining to force wild animals to do stupid things out of fear of being beaten or starved is sick in the head. Boycott ALL circuses with wild animal acts.


  22. I too am wondering what time the fair grounds for midway will close…I know you can go back to rides after the circus…but until what time?

  23. They should cancel the circus. They have a bad record of abusing their animals- look it up on the net. Circuses with wild animals are becoming a thing of the past because people now realize that these animals are abused in order to entertain the audience. We know better these days, or at least we should. Wild animals are not ours for entertainment- these animals are abused.

  24. Having my daughter be the recipient of the incredible care of the Shriners Hospitals I have nothing but admiration for the Shrine Fraternity. It is true the circus does go to the fraternity to pay their expenses and in turn they plan and deliver on other incredible events to raise money for the Hospitals. The hospitals are specialists in burn victims, scoliosis patients and children without limbs and sever physical challenges. Please visit a hospital and see the incredible work that is done all at no cost at all to the family receiving the care. Hope incredible to be a source of hope to families struggling all over the country and at times the rest of the world. I hope you enjoy the circus knowing how it sustains these wonderful groups to do great works.

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