There are numerous free and paid parking options throughout the Marietta Square area. The Square features both paid and free parking lots, as well as free parking spaces and paid parking decks.  Two of the parking decks are owned by Cobb County, and one is owned by the City of Marietta.  The maps below will help you find the right place to park for any location or event.

​Free 15-Minute Parking:
In an effort to promote the many small businesses that are open for carryout, six 15-minute parking spots are available around the Square for curbside pickup.

Cobb County parking decks:
Marietta Square is home to the Cobb County Waddell Street parking deck and the Cobb County Lawrence Street parking deck.  The Waddell Street parking deck, attached to the 100 Cherokee St. Cobb County Government building, is open to employees only from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday.  The Waddell Street parking deck is open to the public after 5pm on weekdays and all day on Saturday and Sunday.  The Lawrence Street parking deck is open to the public 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Cobb County Waddell Street parking deck (top left) and the Cobb County Lawrence Street parking deck (bottom right).

Lawrence Street Parking Deck
1 Haynes St
Marietta, GA 30060

Waddell Street Parking Deck
120 Cherokee St NE
Marietta, GA 30060

Cobb County parking deck rates:

  • First 30 minutes = Free
  • 30-60 minutes = $2
  • 1-2 hours = $4
  • 2-4 hours = $6
  • 4-6 hours = $7
  • 6 or more hours or lost ticket = $8

When entering the parking decks, you will need to pull a ticket upon entering the structure, then pay through kiosks at the exit.

Marietta Square/Glover Park
Free two hour parking is available in the numerous parking spaces surrounding Glover Park in the center of Marietta Square.  The two hour time limit is enforced from 8am to 6pm daily.  In addition, six free 15-minute spots are available for customers picking up orders.
Additional parking is also available down many of the side streets surrounding Glover Park.

Marietta City Hall Parking Deck
Public parking is available in the upper levels of the Marietta City Hall parking deck.  The deck is located between City Hall and the U.S. Post Office at 211 Lawrence Street.

Parking is free at the Marietta City Hall parking deck for those with city business Monday through Friday.  Parking validation is required upon exit, and those without validation must pay $20.  Parking is free (no validation required) weekdays from 5pm to 7:30am and free on Saturdays and Sundays.

Anderson Street/Waddell Street Lots
Private parking lots (about $5) are located near the intersection of Anderson Street and Waddell Street.

Be sure to only park in the paid lots and pay for your space. Do not park in the adjacent lot with the sign reading “Parking for 25 & 27 Atlanta St. ONLY!” as you may be booted or towed if you park there (known as the Tillman lot – marked in red above).

Marietta Welcome Center
Free two hour parking is available in the parking lot across the railroad tracks from the Marietta Welcome Center.

Root House Parking
Free parking next to the Marietta Root House Museum. There is also a paid parking lot near the intersection of North Marietta Parkway and Mill Street.

Marietta Square Market Parking

Marietta Square Market offers both free and paid parking.  Free two hour parking is available in the parking lot in front of the market, and valet parking is offered during peak hours in the lot to the left of the market and behind Root House.

Handicapped Parking on the Square

Interactive Map


  1. Please for the love of parking…make the Cherokee St. Parking Deck’s signage BIGGER & closer to the entrance. Plus, move it CLOSER to the entrance. People DON’T notice it because the original sign is: 1. On the ground/ground level, 2. it is painted brown, 3. it is placed way beyond the entrance & people have already passed it.

  2. What bunch of crap!! This is going to hurt the farmers market. The market brings customers to the square and the city forgets that. Greedy!!! Maybe this money can pay for some more fancy sidewalks.

  3. I used to love going to Marietta Square, in part because it was always free and easy to park, but I have stopped going very much since being charged for parking. Can’t help but feel it’s going to hurt the local businesses on the square.

  4. Why does the Marietta Square parking facility not have the ability to pay cash? Too many facilities cannot guaranty that card numbers can’t be hacked. No one should be forced to pay by card!

  5. Thank you very much for providing information about available parkings near the Square area. A group of us will be attending a concert on June 25th and this info makes it easier for us to decide where to park.

  6. Use to go to the square quite a bit for dinner, and concerts and shopping supporting local businesses, Jewlers,Australian backers, Strand Tsunami etc etc….However due to poor parking we really do not care to go anymore, we spend our money at other other places or downtown,Donwton Woodstock,Downtown Akworth as so many other places also could use it!

  7. I work in the square and cannot figure out how to get a monthly parking pass for one of the parking garages. The internet is no help and I cannot just buy one upon getting there. Please help!

  8. I notice that you carefully do not say WHEN 2 hr free parking changes to no limit , which has been reported as “after 5pm” and weekends but it does not appear here that I can find. This is the same as Chattanooga that carefully does not put on their meters when you do NOT need to put money in the meters. I can’t blame Marietta for Cobb County’s foolishness with ABSOLUTE MESS that their paid decks is – but you ought to do better.

    For those reading, if you go to a big event on the Square and park in one of the paid decks, you may be stuck for a long while afterwards because it takes about a minimum of a minute, usually more like 2-3 for someone to pull up, pull out their credit card, insert ticket, insert card (and then insert it again to get it right) and then have it process and the arm come up and them pull off. So if there are 40 cars leaving after an event, just add it up. it’s going to take you a while.

    And then there was the time the machine ate a credit card and there was only one exit. The person trying to get out was told just to leave, which he refused to do. The “emergency contact” said it would be up to 2 hours before anyone could get there.

    The Marietta Square is no longer as friendly as it used to be, not the city’s doing but the county.

  9. Hello,
    I’m interested in paying my parking as an employee for the entire year all at once or in two payments first 6 months and last 6 months so nothing comes out of my check paid in full. Please advise if you will take this in consideration. Thanks, Ms. Robinson

  10. Super annoying to park. I just wanted to check out the food hall. There did not appear to be truly free parking.
    I gave up when the QR code I scanned wanted my tag# and CC info. It’s hot, I’m in the sun, and now expected to pull out my CC and enter it on my phone…. Assuming I even have either of those. I left and went someplace where parking is straight-forward. It’s lunch time, and I get a little hangry about such things.

    • Hi Carol,
      Yes, there is handicapped parking. See the section above entitled, “Handicapped Parking on the Square” or click the “Interactive Map” link for more information.

  11. This is complete BS. I came here to meet a colleague for dinner. Parked at a spot that said reserved 8 to 5 and public parking 5 to 12 am. I assumed the pay station was for the non reserved spots across the street because it wasn’t clear. Of course I told my colleague to park their as well even though it was a few blocks walk to the restaurant. Of course we came out to a boot that cost us both 50 bucks. Apparently public parking doesn’t mean free. Luckily the guy that puts the boot on cars Parks across the street to wait? I will never, ever come back here or recommend it to anyone. I felt horrible for this young gentleman who had shown up in a suit and tie for a job interview and got booted and was trying to reach a family member to add money to his pre paid credit card. I actually paid for his boot as well. This town is a minus 10.

  12. If anybody doesn’t like competing with their dollars to park their private motor coach, I recommend going to a strip mall near wherever YOU live. Applebees and Longhorns will be delighted to have you.

    That said, the paid parking at the food hall is so atriciously bad, one must infer the people who bought that property are trying to run off all the food hall tenants same as they ran off all their Church St tenants

    The row of parking adjacent to the food hall is the atriously bad pay lot. The next row of parking, along the Marietta Parkway, is free parking as long as you enter from the food hall side. If you enter heading downhill from the Mill St side, that is all non-atrocious paid parking. More free parking is every space opposite Mill St from the CSX tracks to the Star Bucks.

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