East Cobb Park Flood

Sep 23, 2009: East Cobb Park was heavily damaged as a result of the 2009 flooding in Cobb County. Sope Creek, which runs alongside East Cobb Park, flooded the main playground and the grass fields. The rapidly moving waters washed away all of the playground mulch, washed away benches, dug trenches and uprooted and washed away plants and shrubbery. At the highest point, water was 4 feet above the park’s bridge connecting to Fuller’s Park. Trees have fallen on the bridge and knocked out part of a fence surrounding the playground.

East Cobb Park Flood

The park was closed for a period of time and all activities including Ultimate Playdates and Movie Nights were suspended. Damage was estimated at about $150,000 and Friends for the East Cobb Park, with the help of donors, worked to restore the park to its previous state.

Friends for the East Cobb Park
1200 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 250
Marietta GA 30068


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