The Cobb County Gem & Mineral Society’s annual Gem, Mineral & Jewelry Show in November on the last weekend before Thanksgiving.  The event takes place at the Cobb County Civic Center and features amazing rocks, gemstones, minerals, and fossils from all over the world.  In addition, there is a large selection of beautiful beads, jewelry, and jewelry-making supplies.

The three day event is fun and educational for the whole family.  One of the most popular events is Geode Cracking. Kids and adults can select from bins of geodes of different sizes and then use a geode cracking tool to break them in half and discover the wonder inside.

In addition to the many fascinating displays by gem club members, there will be demonstrations of gem and mineral polishing, faceting, and free mineral identification classes. There are also inexpensive grab bags for kids, filled with interesting rocks, minerals, and fossils from all over the world. Door prizes are drawn hourly, admission is free, and parking is also free at the Civic Center.

Friday, November 22, 2024 from 10 am to 6 pm
Saturday, November 23, 2024 from 10 am to 6 pm
Sunday, November 24, 2024 from 10 am to 5 pm

Free Admission

Cobb County Civic Center
548 South Marietta Parkway
Marietta, GA 30060

Free parking in the Cobb Civic Center parking lot.

For more information, please email or visit



  1. My name is Matika Washington I am with Relativity Television. We are interested in shooting an episode at your event on November 21-23. It is a reality makeover addition. Our two host are very sweet and stylish southern girls. You would receive a lot of coverage of your event also. Please contact me so that I may answer any questions for you. My contact information is 770.876.3720. My email is

    Thank you,
    Matika Washington
    Production Assistant

  2. I am a school teacher and would like to bring my students to this event. I am particularly interested in having them attend the mineral ID class. How to I sign them up for that?

    • Ann, I would be glad to schedule your class for a mineral identification session. We can fit up to 15 participants and have time slots available on Friday from noon throughout the afternoon. The 10 am and 11 am slots are already booked with large groups of home schoolers. I hope noon or later will work for you. Please call me at 770-952-3244 if that is more convenient to discuss. Sorry for the delay in answering, we didn’t realize there were comments out there for our posting.
      Kay Yoest, Publicity CCGMS

      • I would like to register my husband and I for the mineral identification class on Friday……at 1 p.m. if you have openings. And I have a question. If I bring some rocks and minerals I have recently found can someone there talk to me about them?

  3. We can book your class at noon or later on Friday. We have the morning already filled with home school children. I hope that will work out for you, please let me know.
    Kay Yoest, Publicity Chair CCGMS

  4. Is this mineral show a good place to purchase wholesale specimens for my rock shop? Or is it just a retail priced show? Thanks

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