Life University’s “Lights of Life” Illuminates the Season

The much-anticipated “Lights of Life” holiday showcase at Life University is a seasonal event that brightens up the campus from Thanksgiving night right through to New Year’s Eve. With an astonishing count of over one million lights spread across more than a mile of campus, this event is a festive treat for the eyes.

Luminous Displays

This event showcases a variety of thematic displays, celebrating different aspects and traditions of the holiday season. From a poignant nativity scene and a majestic menorah to a towering 60-foot Christmas tree, the exhibit offers something for everyone. It even features an animated display that comprises a 65-foot rendition of Santa Claus with his sleigh, which holds the distinction of being the tallest holiday display in the Southeast region.

Beyond the Lights

The event also features several family-friendly activities, including pony rides and a miniature train journey that is perfect for the little ones. Animal lovers will enjoy the petting zoo, while those looking to grab a snack or a warm drink can head over to the concession stand.

Dates for 2024:
Thanksgiving evening through New Year’s Eve.
Open every day from November 28, 2024 through December 31, 2024.

Dark (around 6 pm) to 9 pm Sunday through Thursday
Dark (around 6 pm) to 10 pm Friday and Saturday

$10 per car/truck
$20 per bus/van

On the campus of Life University on Barclay Circle, off Hwy 41 just north of Dobbins ARB, Marietta.

Life University
1269 Barclay Circle
Marietta, GA 30060

For more information or questions about Lights of Life, please call (770) 426-2600.


  1. 🙂 we love taking our kids to see the lights!! It’s pretty and fun and we get to take a picture with Santa.. That’s good memories. We been going to see the lights for 15 years now. I invite everyone you will enjoy it with your family!!

  2. We have not took our daughter seen she was 1 year old now she 14 and we want to tack her this year . my family loves Christmas year round .

    • No it does not. It takes you up to a parking lot…drives you around and drops you back off in Santa’s village. Still fun though.

  3. Are pets allowed to visit and take pictures with Santa? Can you take your Santa pics with your own camera or are they purchase only?

  4. Santa Pictures Are A Lil’ To Pricey ……Especially For Single Moms With Two Or More Kids And They Don’t Wanna Do One Group Photo For Twelve Either…..Otherwise I Will Be Back Every Year To Support …….The Lights Are Beautiful

  5. Disappointed! Have been coming for years and never seen the nativity stuck off in a corner. The praying hands, Menorah, Noah’s ark, and nativity scene has always been out on the main road, they were all stuck off in a corner!! Where was the hillbilly and his truck? Not worth the wait!

  6. Do you have to take your car thru or is there a trolly bus that can take you? I have several people wanting to go with us but we don’t have a car big enough!

  7. Worst light show on the planet! It took one minute to drive through after waiting an hour and a half. Do not waste your money and time.

  8. That phone number just leads to a recorded message that gives the exact same information as what’s on this page. It doesn’t answer any additional questions someone may have, such as:
    Is the $12 for a photo with Santa per person or per photo (can I get a photo of my two kids with Santa for $12 or will it cost $24)? What about the per person charges for the train ride and petting zoo, does that include parents or children under 2?

  9. My family and I used to go every year when I was a little girl. After my dad passed away we stop going. Now that I have a daughter of my own I’m glad to know the Life of lights still exist. I’m definitely bringing my daughter and niece next year.

  10. They sucker you into paying to see Santa and he is never there. . It’s crap! They won’t let you turn around.. We paid 3 times last year them 2never seen santa.. pissed this is my last year!!!!

  11. The lights were very nice but $10 to go in a tiny circle I timed it and it was 15.5 seconds and that cost $10 they must be crazy if they think I’m coming back!!

  12. It’s pretty but buy the time we got to wear you pay they didn’t tell us to wear to part. So we was at the exit so we payed to ride threw a min of light it not marked clearly enought. So we didn’t get to walk around. The person taking the money should have told us a little more

    • You went in the wrong way I think. Somehow we did that the first year they started charging for it. Try again and go in on Barclay entrance.
      It’s a full 30 minutes if you go all the way thru it.

  13. I cannot imagine why these people make comments like that– this takes approx 30 minutes to drive through– longer if you stop for the walk through part- or stop for pictures-which you can do anywhere in it. VERY nice displays and really cheap compared to other ones- which are all ALOT further away. Kids and adults love it. I do not think the complainers have even gone.

  14. The lights were ok but not worth the wait. Approx. one hour. What we were able to see couldn’t have been all of them. We could see some from a distance and there were cars there but we couldn’t get to them by car ! Really needed traffic control has I’m sure we missed a turn because we couldn’t see where to turn because of bumper to bumper cars. One of the biggest ripe offs we’ve had in 20 years here in metro Atlanta. Very sad!!

  15. This is SO nice!! I honestly don’t understand the negative comments. It’s beautiful, enchanting, fun! I love the Santa’s Village too. I hope they still have the kitties too! Adults & children all love it. I cant speak to the pictures w/ Santa as we’ve never done that. Can’t wait to go again this year!

  16. Are the Lights still up on January 1, 2018 anywhere. I don’t get home until tomorrow. Since the Christmas tree Recycling is not until January 6, 2018 are the lights still on at night.

  17. Nos gusta muchisimo mi familia siempre quiere ir aver Las luces siempre fue gratis por anos y si ahora cobran $10 dollars me parese bien so imajinan la cantidad de trabajo y personas q realisan la labor y El gasto en luces y El bill de ga power por favor people Sean serious son solo $10 dollars

  18. Complete ripoff. Don’t pay for a car. To do anything (petting zoo, train) is an additional charge. Just drive through and see the lights and leave. Nothing additional is worth paying for. This used to be a great display and fun to go to. Not anymore .

  19. I just drove through didn’t pay or walk through… I didn’t drive a car through where you pay… We seen thousands of lights for free it we parked and took pictures in front of them! We never paid! Had a great time! Its was about 45 minutes of fun! My 6 year old granddaughter has a ball and loved the lights! I didn’t even know there was more to see! Guess we will go back and pay for the rest! Its worth it!

  20. We drove down from Cartersville last night with family who was visiting from England. The last time we had been there was about 18 years ago and we are not very familiar with the area. We waited about 30 minutes to turn onto Barclay from the main road. Since there were no signs with directions (at least that we could see in the dark, and believe me, we LOOKED!), we followed the cars in front of us. Some other cars were turning in other directions so we assumed there were many streets to go down. We thought we were already on the campus. Well, after about 45 minutes of creeping along we realized we were exiting at the other end of Barclay without having seen the main lights. There was no way of coming back in without waiting at least another hour, so we just headed back home. Very disappointed! We had been telling our English family how wonderful the whole thing was. With all the effort out put forth for this project, could no one make some signs to direct people where to go????

  21. Poorly organized. It took an hour to get the last 1000 ft to the entrance. Nobody was directing traffic. Once we go in, there were no maps or arrows pointing us in the right direction. Don’t make the same mistake I did taking a right after you pay your $10. Your choices at that point are making a quick exit or spending another hour getting back in to the slow flow.

    • Thanks. I plan on taking my 6yr old next week. Is it better to park and walk? Did they have any pony rides, train or petting zoo (as advertised)? If so,how was it? Please let me know. Thanks!

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